CocoaPods 1.0.0 で'XXX is not used any concrete target.' エラーが発生する

pod updateをかけてみたところ、CocoaPods 1.0.0の案内が出るので CocoaPodsをアップデートしてみた。

$ pod update

CocoaPods 1.0.0 is available.
To update use: `gem install cocoapods`
Until we reach version 1.0 the features of CocoaPods can and will change.
We strongly recommend that you use the latest version at all times.


sudo gem install cocoapods

すると、pod updateすると、エラーが発生する。

$ pod update
Update all pods
Re-creating CocoaPods due to major version update.
Updating local specs repositories
Analyzing dependencies
[!] The dependency `Google/Analytics` is not used in any concrete target.
The dependency `GoogleIDFASupport` is not used in any concrete target.
The dependency `XCGLogger (~> 3.3)` is not used in any concrete target.

どうやら、Podfileの変更が必要なようだ。CocoaPods 1.0.0 からtarget~endで括る必要があるようだ。この記述で正常に動作した。

#source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'

<strong class="red">target "Projectname" do </strong>
pod 'Google/Analytics'
pod 'GoogleIDFASupport'
pod 'XCGLogger', '~> 3.3'
<strong class="red">end </strong>


You have to specify a target for each pod.

Podfile Syntax Reference